Now, how are we going to go forward
on this -- what's the right approach?
Is it a Manhattan Project?
What's the thing that can get us there?
Well, we need lots of companies
working on this -- hundreds.
In each of these five paths,
we need at least a hundred people.
A lot of them, you'll look at
and say, "They're crazy."
That's good.
And, I think, here in the TED group,
we have many people
who are already pursuing this.
Bill Gross has several companies,
including one called eSolar
that has some great
solar thermal technologies.
Vinod Khosla is investing
in dozens of companies
that are doing great things
and have interesting possibilities,
and I'm trying to help back that.
Nathan Myhrvold and I
actually are backing a company
that, perhaps surprisingly,
is actually taking the nuclear approach.
There are some innovations
in nuclear: modular, liquid.
Innovation really stopped
in this industry quite some ago,
so the idea that there's some
good ideas laying around
is not all that surprising.